Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Christopher at On Goal

Will be the shortest post of the bunch…..he had a good time, was placed on a team with two of his friends with class.  That’s a good thing socially, but, soccer-wise, the three of them are all “good, not great” players and, going up against teams with a few great players, spelled doom.  So, we were ready to believe Christopher’s reports that they didn’t win many games, and, Saturday’s results were about to form.  The game I taped they lost 3-2 (nothing really worth uploading here); Suzanne watched a game while I taped Kevin that they won 1-0, and, then, the other game I taped, the first game of the world cup elimination round, they were buried 8-0.

After that game, Christopher came over to talk to Mom and watch Matthew.  I guess these pictures say it all.  Sometimes, Christopher gets a little discouraged by Matthew’s success….don’t think Saturday was one of those days, but, it’s something we worry about.

2009-07-CpherMom1OnGoal 2009-07-CpherMom2OnGoal

Enjoyed the singing (including such hits as “Be Bold, Be Strong, The Lord Our God is With You!” and “More than a legend, more than song”…..forgot the second line there and asked Matthew, who cheerfully sung the whole first verse…..”grab a friend and sing along!”), enjoyed the camp.  Has said, again, that he wants to go back next year.  So thumbs up on that front.