Saturday, December 5, 2009



Didn’t blog about the musical performances; was waiting for the videos to be processed.  I’ve finished that, so, let’s get to blogging.

The videos are here

If you’re trying to find Kevin, well, it’s hit or miss.  He’s in a green shirt and near the front in several of the songs (Snoopy’s Song, Don’t Be Anything…etc.).  He has speaking lines, but, they aren’t in these songs online; he’s prominent in ‘Writer’ and you can hear him, but not really see him, when he sings a little in ‘Clouds’.

As always, Kevin really enjoyed being in the musical, and as always, did a really good job.  Wish he could have more of a role, but, he’s probably going to have to get use to the fact that he won’t. 

Thought, last year, that School House Rock production was kind of ‘mailed’ in…kids on risers, all in the same shirt, not much going on in terms of dancing and choreography.  This year, just completely different, thought the music, the costumes, the set, the dancing….just all really well done.

Should mention that, again, the boys are simply enthralled with the musical; Christopher and Matthew are still singing the songs from the show (Matthew, in particular, does a great job at “Sit up, roll over, play dead”).  Really hope that we can convince them to try out for the musicals…am not at all sure they’ll be as eager as Kevin has been to participate.