Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Photo Dump – December

The latest from the world of the Iphone

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Oh man, I can’t believe I forgot to blog about this….well, now is as good as time as any.  On the journey east for Lloyd’s wedding, we stopped for lunch before getting to Grandma’s.  First choice was the Friday’s that the GPS had located, but, it was out of business, so, Suzanne suggested the Red Lobster we had passed, saying that Christopher had really wanted to go there.

Ok, fine….we figured out the last time we had been to a Red Lobster was right after we moved to Michigan, before we even had an apartment in Ypsilanti.

Walk in, we have to wait, and the boys are drawn to the lobster tank….and are quickly very sad at understanding the ultimate fate of their new friends.  So, of course, this is the time that the waitress comes over and using the special fork-like device, retrieves two of the guys for a one-way trip to the kitchen.  She holds the guys on a tray and ask the boys “Do you want to see them before I take them away?” and they look, but, it’s all bad news from here.  Nothing can make Christopher like this meal now that he knows some of this new friends are getting steamed in the back…..

The good news?  Kevin really liked his Cajun Chicken pasta and can’t wait to go back to Red Lobster……sucks for him that we won’t be back anytime soon.

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Hockey-neighbor across the street gave us two tickets for Michigan State – Notre Dame hockey, so, Christopher and I went…..this is the big guy sucking down a diet coke….tried to take a full on photo of him here but his tree-wounds quickly convinced me to hit ‘delete’ on those photos.

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Suzanne and I got to Pittsburgh for our overnight and realized we had walked into light-up night.  Literally, Suzanne said as we came down 279 “Why is everything lit up tonight???”…..

Had a good night over at Station Square; dinner and watched some fireworks and some of the live performances.

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Suzanne was disappointed at the view from the hotel; I didn’t mind the view of Mellon Arena.

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This picture was sent from Grandma’s on Friday night showing the goofiness in all of its glory.

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The married couple at the reception. 

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The family went out and captured this 7’ Fraser Fir…..can’t believe it walked right out into the clearing where our saw could get it!  Had to get the tree and lights up early this year since for the back end of the holiday season we’ll be outta-here

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A view of part of the project I’m working on down in West Virginia; we’re removing contaminated sediments and rebuilding the channel of this stream that leads to the Kanawha River in the background