Thursday, December 10, 2009

More Videos

You can go the video link and see that I’ve uploaded a few more videos there:

Star Wars: Took a lot of video here; I wasn’t the only one participating in ‘illegal’ activities, but, they never made an announcement that I can recall either.  Most of that video; really, anytime the screen was bright or the lights were pointing towards us, is just unwatchable; the iphone camera is ill-equipped to deal with bright point sources.

So, the three Star Wars clips that I did post, for the most part, don’t have that.  Thought the Iphone did a great job capturing the sound; the side screens look much better than they did in person…..have to wonder if they were set up that way on purpose, but, that makes no sense. 

Trampoline: Not much to explain here; this is the #1 activity on the trampoline; trampoline football.  Ashton and Matthew against Kevin and Christopher.