Monday, October 11, 2010


Kevin’s started driving lessons; he has about 4-6 hours a week right now of classroom instruction and last Wednesday spent three hours out on the road with 2 other kids.  In the next week or two he will get his little pink piece of paper that will allow him to drive with a passenger on board.

He’s super geeked about all of this; we’ve tried, as much as we can, to point out that driving is the most dangerous thing he’ll ever do.  Not sure our messages were getting home, even though at least 3 teens have died within one mile of our house over the last 5 years (I’ve always intended on taking Kevin, on the day that he gets his drivers license, out to the cross on Hagadorn road where those kids, who did absolutely nothing wrong, were killed because some guy couldn’t wait for a passing lane to pass).

He may not need that reminder anymore though, because it really hit home yesterday.  We were coming back from Matthew’s soccer game in Novi and were going to turn south on US-23 to go to Costco; looked down at 23 from 96 (the exit is after you cross over) and saw how far it was backed up and decided not to go onto the exit…a good thing, we would have been stuck there for a long time.  The backup was because three kids from Okemos had died in an accident (along with 2 others). 

Kevin didn’t know any of them (they had all graduated last year) but the news was all over his Facebook last night.  Another kid is still in the hospital; three children from the other car in the accident are still there also. 

If you’re more curious, you can find an article here.