Monday, January 7, 2013

Kevin’s Schoolwork


I decided to bring a USB drive out here to NJ with me; just knowing how things work there’s a lot of file transferring going on AND I didn’t want to keep a lot of my files stored on the govt computer.

I noticed that the drive I chose at home had been used by Kevin back in 2010 to save some schoolwork.  So thought I’d post some of that here……


I saw the title of the presentation on the drive and wondered why he was doing something on the TV show….


I had to check…took two sentences from each and dropped them into the google search to see if he copied this….

couldn’t find any proof of outright plagiarism.  Very similar to Wikipedia though…


not sure what class this was for, but, he did up this mini-newspaper….



the end of the interview made me laugh!….