Saturday, January 5, 2013

Facebook Archiving


Since January is when I go into archiving mode (create the .pdf of the blog; get videos and pictures from the year just past onto portable hard drives AND back them up as well) I got to thinking…what about facebook?  And I discovered that Facebook will create a copy of your page; wall, photos, comments, other people’s comments, everything.  So I requested a copy.

Turns out they give you a version with some version of embedded html code that you can set up on your computer.  And that it takes them about 8 hours to create it.  Both Suzanne and my archive clocked in at about 250 MB (I fear Kevin’s archive, that we also requested, will be a lot larger…it bombed out during the first attempt).


But it is pretty cool. Not sure how long they will offer this functionality, but, it is now on my list of ‘things-to-do’ every January.
