Saturday, February 1, 2014

Winter Concerts - 2013

The video was finally posted; I’ve finally captured all of it.   First up is the Chippewa 7th Graders.  As always, a click on the picture gets you the video.


(the video could be better, not the best capture.  But, the video isn’t my ultimate goal with this…will pull out the music out for the Itunes library this week)


(The OHS Chamber Orchestra.  Much better video from the high school concerts; multiple camera angles, better editing)


(The OHS Philharmonic.  Same video quality, Kevin visible from multiple camera angles)


(The Kinawa 6th Graders.  The concert was at OHS, so, the video is a little better, but, Matthew, although easy to see at the concert since he was in the front, isn’t as easy to see on the video since he’s in the dark)