Monday, February 10, 2014


Boston in the afternoon on Saturday and Sunday; travel day Monday to Norman

1) In the end, what are the chances that Kevin goes here?

98%?  Maybe he will decide that the benefits of a full ride at Oklahoma outweigh what he likes here but, I think this is his far and away first choice after the visit.  Unless George Washington comes through with some crazy aid package that we don’t expect right now…and I don’t know if he would choose that over Northeastern at this point!


(the first visit where Kevin said “Yes I would like a shirt”.  Enough said)

2) What did Kevin think?

He liked everything.  Period.  Exclamation Mark.  In fact, the more he learned the more he liked what going to Northeastern would mean.

New Picture (6)

(maybe the icing on the cake…told Kevin last night  that he should go Google ‘northeastern ski club’.  And for $55 per trip (includes bus AND lift ticket) he could go to some of the best mountains in Vermont and New Hampshire every weekend.  A really sweet deal!)

3) Most impressive thing?

The coop program.  Kevin wouldn’t have the most traditional of college experiences here; he would be gone from campus three times in five years on co-op semesters. 

The International Village, the brand-new Honors dorm, also ranked high on Kevin’s list.

IMG_3435     IMG_3437

(long ago Kevin had his college priorities as 1) away from home and b) big city.  2 for 2 here, even more so here than ASU (Phoenix) or Norman (Oklahoma City); the campus is it’s own distinct campus but only a subway stop or two from downtown)

4) Least impressive thing?

They wanted Kevin to post that YouTube video way in advance so that they could talk with him (if they wanted too) during this visit.  They couldn’t even acknowledge they received the email with the link.

But, that’s it.  Nothing else was a downer.  Suzanne mentioned this morning that two things were missing from this visit from all of the others.  There was no talk of football.  There was no talk of Greek life (they have it, but, it’s not a huge emphasis).  And yes, a lot of this is the choices Kevin and we made for schools to visit.  but Kevin does not care a bit about either of those things….


(some building at Northeastern….

5) Food?

I wasn’t there, so, have nothing to report here.

 IMG_3451    IMG_3452

(some random pictures of Northeastern)

6) Biggest reason to go here?

For the first time in this whole process Kevin has been overly enthusiastic about the opportunity to go here.  The co-op program.  Sounds like they have a BA/MA program too….Suzanne heard about it but I don’t have enough info yet to talk about it.

7) Biggest reason not to go here?

While meeting the initial screening of “costs-less-than-Michigan”, it doesn’t cost much less.  Kevin will be working every summer to at least earn living expense money; coop earnings will help offset costs as well (in the understatement of the week, Boston is not the cheapest place to live should Kevin end up off-campus)


(Suzanne reports the Marriott near campus is completely and totally awesome….I can tell it has some great views!)

8) What’s next?

Mom and Kevin are on the way to Norman even as I start to type this.

9) Any Other Updates?

Nope.  Expect the letter stating that Kevin is a national merit finalist any day now.