Thursday, September 11, 2008

Cross Country

Kevin had his first cross-country meet Wednesday afternoon. He bettered his previous time of 14:37 and finished in 13:58 for the 2 miles. That was good enough for 12th among the Okemos middle school boys and 24th overall (5 other teams at the meet). Still not sure if we've seen the best of Kevin's performance...he's going to try at the meet on Monday to stay with his buddy who is running about 15 seconds faster, so, we'll see what happens.

Kitchen remodeling has detoured into laundry closet remodeling...will post pictures of that this weekend once we get moving along. First step was a major investment in new machinery...had a steam-washer and dryer (with pedestals, of course) delivered this week.

Soccer goes into full swing this weekend; Christopher starts off early Saturday (he looked awfully good at practice on Saturday...taking a few pages from Matthew's playbook and was dribbling through the masses in our scrimmage. Except with Christopher, it's like a train coming through, you really don't want to get in his way!). Kevin has agreed to help out the 7/8 rec team that is short a player or two, so, he'll be out there Saturday morning as well, and Matthew has 2 games on Sunday. I dread that in some ways...I hope I don't have to reign in Matthew too much.