Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekend Update

Friday: The MAC offered Parents Night Out, so, we signed up Christopher and Matthew for an evening's entertainment there and had a nice dinner (with Kevin) and a movie (without Kevin). Kevin has this annoying habit of wanting to sing at dinner (a recurring theme this weekend) and is seriously jeopardizing future 'adult' dinner outings. Suzanne and I went to "Burn Without Reading" which I think I enjoyed more than she did and which she thinks any movie that has a character that is cheating on George Clooney is more fictional than Star Trek......

Saturday: Christopher's soccer team carried a 1-0 lead into the third quarter but gave up 4 goals in the 2nd half to lose 4-1. Still figuring out what combinations of players works best...learned a few lessons, will adjust, hopefully will have better results next week. Christopher played well, and had a chance at a goal, and did himself proud be continuing to run and hustle in the 4th quarter when the rest of his teammates were giving up.

Christopher and I made it over to downtown Lansing to watch Kevin and Matthew do the Kids Mile for the Capital City River Run (CCRR) event. It's for ages 12 and under, so, Kevin was poised to do well, and finished third at 6:10. Matthew, who sprinted off at the beginning leaving Kevin in the dust, came in at 7:40, so, that's pretty awesome as well (Kevin says he caught Matthew about 1 tenth of a mile down the course.....)

Took the kids out birthday shopping for Mom after this.....very exhausting!

Sunday: Man today was busy! Got up early to take Kevin back to the CCRR for the 5k (there was also a half-marathon at the same time). Kevin finished in 22:49 (his previous best 5K was 26:32) and finished 1st in his age group (13 and under). He received a pint glass for his efforts, and has made every effort to only drink out of this glass the rest of the day.

Birthday celebrations and preparations took up the mid-morning early afternoon. Assembled the outdoor fireplace/pit that Kevin purchased for Suzanne; watched Suzanne struggle over what paint color the Kitchen/Living room should be (that's a post for another day.....), and headed over for Matthew's soccer game.

It's not often we play a team with a player at Matthew's was one of those days. The other kid, Adam, was very good....was about a head taller than Matthew and definitely had better foot work than Matthew. But, he wasn't quite as aggressive as Matthew and it was interesting watching them play against each other and against the rest of the team when they weren't paired up against each other. I'd say they each scored about the same amount of goals when they were paired up against each other; Adam's footwork would help him to get by Matthew and the rest of the team, and Matthew's darting cuts would drive him past Adam and the rest of his team. But, Matthew scored about at will against the rest of Adam's team and it wasn't quite the same way when Adam was playing against our team. Part of that is that the rest of Matthew's team is pretty good, but, part of that is Matthew taking advantage of the situation and dominating the proceedings, where Adam would hang back. A very entertaning soccer game though.

Went out to dinner for the birthday; Christopher lost another(!) tooth during dinner so the tooth fairy will fly tonight (one of the activities at the MAC Friday night was buiding a box to store your teeth for the tooth fairy...didn't realize we'd be using it so soon). That's 9 teeth gone if you're keeping score at home and Christopher has about another year to go before Kevin's first tooth dropped.

Coming Attractions: Christopher Soccer Video and race highlights need to be processed. Need to spend a few paragraphs discussing Lemon Chiffon, Lauren's Lace and other shades of yellow and how they have brought kitchen remodeling to a halt. Kevin has a race Monday and his audition Thursday, so, he has to audition for us Wednesday and I'm sure that will end up on tape. And I'm taking the 2nd graders to the local creek for World Water Monitoring Day on Friday so hopefully we'll have some pictures of that.