Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Elementary Concert

Tuesday night was concert night.  In the olden-Kevin days, each grade would have its own concert night at Bennett Woods.  You'd see all the parents, each grade would sing their songs (and the 1st graders, for example, would sing the same songs each year, etc). And life was good

Now there's a new music teacher.  And for Christopher in Kindergarten, it was the same as before, one program, just the kindergarteners.  The next year, they tried something different, grades K-2 all went over to Chippewa.  It was OK, not was long, and the sound system didn't work at times, and parents talked over the sound sometimes when they're kids weren't singing.  And, since it seems like all I do now is complain about the schools, I made my opinions known that I preferred the old way, where each grade had their individual concerts. 

Of course, my 'input' didn't change anything, and this year we went further the other way and had a K through 4 concert at Chippewa.  Might even have been a bigger many kids and parents that there weren't enough seats for everyone.  Parking, since everyone was told to be there at 6:40, was a nightmare as well.

But, the kids, as always, were awesome.