Thursday, March 19, 2009

Christopher Update - Late March 2009

2nd in a continuing series.

Still, far and away, the biggest kid in 2nd grade.  Was curious yesterday and did some online research on height predictions....the average prediction would be 6' , but that's a generic prediction based on my height and Suzanne's height; Matthew and Kevin would have the same prediction.  Another prediction, still taking Suzanne and my height into account but also somehow factoring in Christopher's current size has him at 6' 2".  The high-end prediction would be to double the 3-year height, that would be 6' 8".   I don't think the big guy's going to end up there, but, have a hard time thinking he'll only be 2" taller than Kevin at the end of it as well.  Had a little concern about his weight as soccer ended and the weather was bad and Christopher continued to pack away the calories, but, it's warmed up, and he's running and bouncing and I don't think that's going to end up being a big deal.

Christopher continues to say 'no' to just about every mention of a sporting event.....Christopher's going to find himself pushed into every one of them, since, always, the end result is a Christopher running up at the end of the event and saying "I had fun!".  The latest and greatest addition to this category was the baseball camp last weekend.  Christopher and Matthew will be on the same team this summer (woo hoo!) and we figured it was good to attend the one hour camp to get the boys back in the groove.  Realized Christopher had grown out of his glove, so, had to get a new one.  And of course, Christopher didn't want to go blah blah blah.  Get there, the clinic is run by the varsity baseball team, and the boys go through 9 different little stations.  The highlight for me was the hitting; they did it off tees in a room with foam balls and Christopher (and Matthew) were just crushing the ball, off the high windows, off the TV monitors, huge smiles all around. 

Homework continues to be a challenge.  Spelling has gotten a lot better, again, had everything right on a test but FORGOT TO WRITE DOWN A WORD IN A SENTENCE (aaaaagh!).  Slowly, slowly, is getting the hang of carrying the one and borrowing the one from the tens column.  He's just finishing the Iowa tests and the COGAT tests at school....will be very interested in these results.  Will be reviewing his speech progress next week at parent/teacher conferences; looks like next year will be the last year for Christopher in speech therapy.  While he might be a little behind in some sounds right now, if they would re-evaluate him right now he wouldn't qualify, he's not a year behind in those sounds.  So, next year, when they do re-evaluate, he won't qualify.   For the curious, we seem to have decided to hold off on further testing until we get those results and evaluate how the rest of the school year has gone.

Life revolves around Clone Wars and the Disney comedies (Zach, Cody, Hannah, Sonny, etc).  He's so excited by the Hawaii trip it's impossible to express in words......went to Bennett Woods for the annual build-a-book event and he was already thinking ahead to next year's event...he'll be building-a-book about Hawaii!  This year's book, "Christopher does DC", while nice, is going to be chump change compared to that!