Wednesday, March 25, 2009

P/T conferences

This week marks the return of parent teacher conferences; Monday was the younger boys, Kevin's was Tuesday.

Matthew:  Doing well, some strange letter formation at times, not much else to's 1st grade!


The letters here are all fine; I didn't scan in the pages with weird 'd's and stuff

Christopher:  Doing Ok.  Math seems to be a strength, reading and writing look to be improving (and we've learned our lesson on this, he'll be working hard on this over the summer...weren't really pushing it last summer and Christopher lost some momentum).  Spelling is a total disaster to the point that the teacher commented "at least there's spell check". 


Christopher asked to weigh in on math...his answers about reading were about the same; 20 questions, ranked 1, 2, and 3, Christopher is all 2's.....didn't like it, didn't hate it.  His writing always says he likes math, but, you can see there's some issue for him with it here...

Kevin:  Doing well.  Couldn't have much of a discussion of improvement in science, his grade was 100%.  Needs to do better on math tests....he's getting A+'s on his homework but B's on the tests...this is part of the being responsible kick that Mom and Dad are pounding on him for (lost his computer again for too much playing and not enough homework).  Will be going to the high school for math next year, and that's another step up and he needs to start learning to study soon.  But going to the high school will be a pretty cool thing......


Part of Kevin's last math quiz, his score was a 26 out of 28.  He missed the one on this page; Mom and Dad can live with that.