Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blue Blue Blue Lake

Ride the highest highs with Kevin (like last week, when the guy I was talking with was pointing out his soon-to-be-senior-who-takes-AP classes-and-does-well-in-them ACT scores and they were lower than Kevin’s) and journey to the lowest lows….the first correspondence from Kevin hasn’t arrived, but, the camp has let us know where he placed.

As we feared, his audition placed him in the Blue Orchestra….he didn’t even qualify for the orchestra he made it into last year.   Aside from the botched sight reading, Kevin did the scales without any vibrato (which he’s been using for a year plus).  Don’t know why he did that, but, it seems to me that that’s like auditioning and only showing half of what you can do. 

Oh well….can only hope that this won’t be a downer on the whole camp for him.  Certainly is making me rethink the plans to branch out into violin playing in school next year. 

UPDATE:  started this post when we found out his placement…we’ve since received mail from the Kevster.  Glad it wasn’t a downer….aside from the smiley face with a tear.
