Friday, August 21, 2009

The tooth fairy flies tonight

The last boy lost his first tooth today (okay, a few days back…took me this long to get the pictures in here…)



Matthew’s last visit to the dentist (about a month back) came back with a request for another visit…the cavity monster had visited.  Unlike the other two, getting Matthew to brush his teeth has been a challenge, he would go in, run the water, and come out without brushing….not quite sure why he’s chosen this route, but, hopefully, this cavity has brought an end to it. 

The dentist also said that the two bottom front teeth would be out soon; you can see the adult teeth coming in behind them.  “Start wiggling” was the advice, and Matthew, of all the boys, took this to heart.  He’s been wiggling since then, and, the last few days, has been really going at it.  The other two recoil at the thought of Mom or Dad wiggling or twisting; Matthew welcomes the help!

So, today, Matthew comes over and asks “Dad, I think it’s even looser…can you twist it?”.  I say sure, and he tears off upstairs to the bed to lie down and wait as I climb the stairs chuckling.

Get to the bedroom and Matthew is there, chin out, neck back, mouth wide open.  The tooth, at this point, can be moved about 90 degrees forward, so, it’s coming out soon, and sure enough, a twist or two (or three) later, out it comes.  “It’s out?” the boy says in wonder…and then grabs it and literally flies down the stairs to announce it’s out to Gramps, Grandma, and the brothers.