Monday, August 10, 2009

IC Fair

Went to the Ingham County Fair Saturday night; the first of our weekend trips that we (I) misjudged the weather for.  We were going to go on Friday night; looked at the radar, saw that rain was on the way, decided to go to the movies instead, and, at the end of the movies, it still hadn’t started to rain.  Suzanne gives me the evil death stare as we exit the theatre….

So, we go on Saturday night.  Good times had by all; Christopher does well on all the rides (the only one he wouldn’t go on with Matthew as the demon-drop freefall type ride) and they have a good time bouncing from ride to ride.  The highlight, for Christopher, is the trip through the animal pens….


there’s been some clamoring for a bunny as a pet recently….most discussion of that has ended with the statement that bunny = cat food.


the ever popular Rhode Island Red

2009-08-ICFairRabbit 2009-08-ICFairDuckFight

These two ducks were battling through the cage, much to Christopher’s delight


The train of goats


“Please take me home with you”

2009-08-ICFairCpher1 2009-08-ICFairPig

The pigs are always popular…

The other part of the fair that I always like is the people watching; from the other fair attendees, to the carnie’s, to, well, those paying their debts to society.


Went to the animal pens once (with Christopher, but, not with Matthew, who wanted to ride) and then twice (when Matthew wanted to see the sights).  Had the fair food; corn dogs, italian sausage, funnel cake, etc.  “Won” four goldfish, so, we’ll see how long they last…..