Monday, November 23, 2009

All-State Results are in

All of those comparisons between Kevin and the ‘girl’ in that previous post?  They just show how much of an idiot I am…..that girl was the 1st chair viola AND the 1st chair violin….we’re sure she’ll take the violin spot.

So, that would leave Kevin as the 8th chair (he qualified as 9th, but, will move up).  Certainly not the 1st chair he was hoping for, but, he was the highest viola from either of the two middle schools, so, that’s a good thing.  He’s disappointed, but, hopefully will appreciate that a quality practicing and effort will get him what he wants. 

Kevin, a while back, participated in the middle school string clinic.  The clinic was on a Saturday, and all the 8th graders played in one orchestra.  Suzanne and I missed the concert at the end of the event from running little boys around, but, you can see the video of it at the link above; Kevin performs in the final three pieces.