Sunday, April 22, 2012

From the Sports Desk


New Picture (7)

Matthew:  A longer post on this weekend’s soccer tournament is coming.  Saturday and Sunday may be the single two worst games I’ve seen him play in 18 months….and we lost 7-0, 5-2.  Lost 4-3 on Sunday.  We never should have lost the last two games.  First game could have been 17-0, it was that bad.

Sunday’s play was much improved (that’s what the picture above is from).  Again, multiple paragraphs later.  Need distance.

Cpher:  Two lax games on Saturday, a 9-3 win and a 3-2 loss.  Suzanne reports that Cpher did well, held up his end of the defense, engaged and playing hard.  No penalties! Suzanne said the second game against Battle Creek was more physical than most games….that game plays right into Cpher’s strength and he did well.

Kevin:  Lisa, Kevin, and the german/american crowd went to Detroit for the Tigers game.  Final, in 11, Rangers 3, Tigers 2.