Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Popeye – The Aftermath


The drive home from Louisville on Thursday was more of the same; no radio, no electronics.  I did listen to podcasts on my Iphone; I did let the boys talk and interact with each other.

Made the plan when we arrived at 4230 de Gray very clear.  You are grounded to your room.  You can not come out except to eat and go to the bathroom.  And it will be that way until Sunday.

Not much to report on the next four days given that, well, nothing went on.  The boys at first tried the approach of sleeping through it….that can only work for so long.  I was surprised (and am still surprised to this moment) that it took so long after we got home to get the rooms into the ‘clean’ state….a testament to how much you can procrastinate if you really try.  Finally had to say Friday morning if the rooms weren’t clean (and we mean clean) by Friday at noon the grounding would go past Sunday night.

Sorrow:  Were the boys sorry?  Suzanne reports some seriously sorrowful apologies late at night; I’ve never had that kind of reaction from them; of course, I’ve been the ‘heavy’ all through this.  Boys released from ‘grounding’ at times on Saturday and Sunday to assist with pre-fraulein-cleanup.  Have never had boys so happy to be out and helping with cleaning!

Have things changed? – Some.  Not enough. Suzanne and I have been reluctant to go full-grounding with Lisa in town; both boys at different times for different thinks would have made it there last week.  Fully believe that in the next seven to ten days that at least one of the boys will be grounded for at least 48 hours.  Although Matthew did start out an explanation of some lunchtime shenanigans today with this statement “Dad, if I tell you something, will you trust me that it’s true?”

What hasn’t changed? – The electronics in the car.  When the boys are with me, which is often, there are no electronics.  No radio.  And I’ve made it clear that it will stay that way until I think we, as a family, are where we need to be.