Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring Break Day 6 – Wailua


Started off slow this morning….headed out swimming with Cpher at 9 and then moved over to the beach with Suzanne at 10 while Kevin and Matthew took a stand-up paddleboard lesson.


There was some debate whether we even needed to pay for lessons….but in the end Kevin said he would be more comfortable with one and that was that.  More than a few falls and splashes with and without waves, but, they both seemed to do quite well.


All pictures from the new waterproof camera.  Discovered the underwater filter is automatic.  Not the greatest Hawaii day…not a lot of sun around.


Which made for some gloomy looking pictures. 


Lesson went for 90 minutes….there weren’t many waves here on the south shore so I guess that was a good thing (made it easier for the boys) and a bad thing (not a lot of waves to practice catching and riding a wave)



But, they had fun, so I guess that’s all that matters….


Had lunch (tried our best to clean out the food we had brought from home and purchased here) and then Cpher asked me to go with him for his favorite activity….feeding the koi fish.


They suckered Suzanne into taking them the next day; she has some great photos of the two of them that I will have to steal for a post of its own….

Spent the rest of the day heading north again to check out some waterfalls….the first set were the Wailua Falls….we had seen these from the air on the helicopter tour but this time….


We saw them from the top….


and, after some serious hiking (this 1/2 mile stretch was steeper and muddier than anything we encountered on the previous hikes!)….


….we made it to the bottom…


and yeah, the hike was worth it (there are ropes to help you get up and down the slopes….the boys didn’t have any real problems.  Clumsy older dad, well, he is definitely a slow poke because visions of tumbling down the cliff loom large in his mind)


really like these pictures of Kevin….just because they provide some scale to the photo and that he scrambled over all of this wood and rock to get out there


like this picture of Kevin and Matthew too….but it could stand some photo editing to fix the contrast…not sure why it turned out like this though.


After the Wailua Falls we headed up the road (and the river) to the Opaekaa Falls.  2 miles as the crow flies; 25 minutes by car.  Can’t really get near these falls; this picture is from the scenic overlook near the road which is quite some distance away.


The nice thing about the scenic overlook though is that you can cross the road and get a picture of the river valley on the other side.  I have a bunch of panoramas I’ve taken with the new panorama utility on the Iphone…..unlike my app, it dumps the photos somewhere else so I have to figure out how to grab them.  Probably a separate post for another day….


Some smaller members of the family had dinner at Costco on the way back (a post about Costco on vacation is probably coming too).  We headed back out to Spouting Horn for sunset (it is not the best spot to see the sunset but the best we could do on short notice) and then picked up some shrimp for the rest of us (one dish was stupid crazy hot, the other, not so much.  Shrimp as a little chewy too….not the best shrimp experience we’ve ever had out here.  But, pretty good nonetheless)