Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring Break Day 13 – La Perouse



Hilton Head had Fiesta Fresh; San Diego has Roberto’s, Las Vegas has the renamed Roberto’s…and Maui has Maui Tacos.

To be fair, Maui and Hilton Head are a step up from Roberto’s.  But we had more than a few meals here and stopped here for a late breakfast as we headed out for the day after checking out of the hotel.


One of the best things is the salsa bar.  the hottest, the habanero up there on the top, is a green salsa (it is hot, but, Suzanne and I aren’t fans of green salsas).

The middle one lists pineapple juice as one of the ingredients…and you can taste that a little too much in the salsa.

The Hula Heat down there was our favorite.  We, by the end of the trip, had taken to mixing 1/3 Habanero and 2/3 Hula Heat into a cup as our preferred salsa of choice.


We had to check out of the Marriott by 10 am; gave them our luggage and we headed out for the day.  Stopped and got breakfast (supermarket doughnuts for the boys, Maui Taco breakfast burritos for Mom and Dad.

After that we headed east along the south coast with the ultimate goal of La Perouse Bay, about as far as as you can go along the Piilani Highway.  This is near the end, just a giant lava flow…


But a stunning bay; Suzanne’s favorite…blue skies and water against black rock.


We could have walked more but didn’t…not really set up for a hike today; many of the shoes were packed up.  But I think we’ll come back here next time (if there is a next time).





Boys Plus Two


Boys.  Rock.  Climbing. 


After the stop at La Perouse we headed back to Makena State Park for the last of the beach time.  Everyone in the water here, not enough sun but a lot of fun.  Saw a turtle in the water near us and Cpher found a woman’s sunglasses after she lost them after a big wave. 

We headed back to the hotel, which offers a hospitality room for people who have had to check out but are still on the island waiting for a flight.  Watched Michigan lose to Louisville while the boys were in the pool….they had showers so both Mom and Dad were able to get the sand out and change before the flights home.