Saturday, April 27, 2013




The scourge of parks everywhere, the Canadian Goose is the sure herald that spring is finally here.  When you see them in pairs hanging around, it most likely means there are some eggs nearby


The view from my office; by the time I went to take the photo the other goose had flown off.  For the first time, ever, these crazy geese decided to lay the eggs behind the house next to us.  Cpher and the gang play back there a lot; we’ve told them that area is off limits for a while.  Nothing is cuter than little goslings walking around, so, we’ll see how this works out.


This big dog just sat and watched the geese; Holly barks and barks and barks (although we did buy a cheap bark collar that works about as well as a cheap bark collar should I guess).  The geese have nothing to fear from the invisibly-fenced springer spaniels.  That big orange cat might cause some issues though.