Wednesday, May 1, 2013

2011-2012 Yearbook


Recently we forked over the dough for Kevin’s 2012-2013 yearbook; we could have purchased it much sooner but only made the payment close to the deadline.  I made the comment at the time that I hadn’t been motivated to do this because I had never seen the 2011-2012 yearbook.

Today had to go out and get a sports bag from the CR-V for Matthew; there, I find, in the back, the long lost 2011-2013 yearbook.  Kevin had received it (last August, they don’t get the yearbook until well after the year is over, which kind of sucks) and promptly ignored it.  It has some water damage from something in the car that I just don’t want to know about, also had some signs of mold, and today I finally rescued it and brought it inside.

Figured I might was well scan in the pages Kevin appears on; at least keep up the streak of consecutive days with a blog post!


the two pages devoted to the orchestra….Kevin appears at the top of the left page, but, the instrument of choice is labeled wrong.  Oh well….


the musical page, Kevin on the lower left….


Drama Club; only in the group picture.   Did not even know they had a fashion club!


and Quiz Bowl….

There were also Kevin sightings in the orchestra, tennis, and sophomore pages, but, those are kind of boring and don’t really need to spent the effort go put them here.  I thought the layouts of the other pages were interesting enough to make a go of it.