Thursday, May 23, 2013

From The Sports Desk: Frost Warning Edition


A cold rainy ugly day for the 2nd-to-last regular season game of the season.  This is actually a makeup of the very first game of the season, where it was cold and rainy.  Symmetry.

No pictures from the day; it was wet and the camera battery ran out pretty early.  So I’ll grab the pictures of the boys that another Mom posted today from Facebook.

We won, 4-2.  Both boys played pretty well.  Was a notable night for Matthew.

The boy spent his first time in the penalty box; absolutely leveled this kid from Dewitt….the kid was coming upfield and Matthew hit him dead on and straight on in the middle of the field.  After a pause, one of the two refs threw his flag and escorted Matthew off the field….

And told Matthew he did nothing wrong! But because it’s 5/6 lacrosse, they have to call that type of a hit as unnecessary roughness…when you are older, it is a clean legal hit.

This boy spent a lot of time complaining after the last game on Sunday that he didn’t play as much as he would have liked (he didn’t).  I spent a lot of time after that game telling him to stop whining, he normally plays a ton and it is just not right or kosher to be complaining the one time it doesn’t happen.

So yeah, he played a ton today.  Especially as we were trying to hold onto our one and two goal lead, for the second time in recent memory the coaches tried to put some new kids back on defense….that’s when we were up 3-0.  Within 5 minutes it is 3-2 and the defensive stalwarts are coming back out.

One more game next Wednesday and the season-ending tournament and that is that for lacrosse season.