Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Iphone Video Dump


There are only three videos to talk about here, but, probably made sense to rescue them from the phone and write a post around them.

Talked about the rain at the Midwest Lax Bash earlier.  Here’s 40 seconds of what that was like.  Both boys said they had fun during it (Matthew always is up for any sport in inclement weather).  You get to see some of Christopher on defense before the other defender takes a penalty with a slash (causing the guy to fall down and take Christopher out too!)

Kevin really wanted to go see Postmodern Jukebox again; his favorite, Haley Reinhart, was going to be there!  I said I’d buy him 2 tickets…but he should look around for someone to go with.  That didn’t work out, so, I ended up going.  Which is too bad for him, because I’m old and cranky and didn’t want to stay after the concert to meet the band.  But I like their music, and it was fun, and “Stacy’s Mom” was certainly the highlight for me.  And Haley shows up near the end too.

Stood for the entire concert.  Up front.  Right in front of the speakers.  Which wasn’t nearly as bad as I feared.


Received this video while we were in Vegas; Cpher recorded this encounter between our sweet, loveable, and EXTREMELY calm golden retriever and the wildlife in our backyard.  Madison seems pretty unfazed by the intruders too….