Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weekend Update

Matthew: 2 birthday parties. Nothing like 10 kindergarten'ers to tire a set of parents out!

Christopher and Matthew: Soccer on Sunday. Won by a lot....Matthew had several goals, Christopher had 2 very nice ones as well.

Hutsell's: Retired the old circle trampoline and welcomed the new square trampoline to the family. Square trampoline meeting with rave reviews "It's square-r, it's bouncier", etc.

Dad and Kevin: Went to the OHS production of "Kiss Me, Kate". Very well done, hope one day to see Kevin in a production like that.

Wiley: Still working on getting him to use the side yard; lots of improvement today. But, I had taken the collar off while working with him (figured a shock would set us back in our progress) and Wiley took this opportunity for a bolt to freedom. Sigh....