Saturday, January 3, 2009

Basketball - Day One

Well, today was Christopher's first basketball game.  A total of four practices beforehand, not one of which had any type of scrimmage, so, Christopher went in to the game idea of what a game was really like.

And it showed.  I've (mercifully) deleted the first two times that the big guy got the ball and started heading up (or down) the court, but, the first three seconds of the video below gives you the general idea....Christopher moved very well, but, with no real attempt at dribbling (I do think, his moves after the steal in the video might play really well on the football field!).  I was sure, if the game ended at halftime, that Christopher would have been off on one of his famous "I hated it" rants and there would have been lots of discussion of never playing again.

Fortunately, there is a second half.  And the coach's message, of dribbling the ball, did come through.  Happily, Christopher's comment at the end of the game was "Did you see my goal?", so, all's well that ends well.

Christopher's team won 24-2 or something like that....a lot of good 3rd graders on the team......