Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The Iphone is pretty cool; of course, the games help to make it even cooler.  Suzanne has super monkey ball, which the boys love, I have rolling thunder, which the boys love.

And then there's Quordy


Basically a Boggle-clone, it's slowly taken over my life.  Very addicting and enjoyable.  And very frustrating now that we've discovered that, playing head-to-head, Kevin has a better than even chance of beating Suzanne or I.  Part of this is Kevin's penchant for trying any letter combination that might work and coming up with words that he can't define; I've threatened to penalize him when he gets to the end, beats me by 5 or 6 words, and there's one that he has no idea what it means.....

So, Quordy challenges are appearing nightly now.  It's not good when Kevin takes 2 out of 3 from is Mom or Dad, and, this is happening more and more frequently. 

We're going to have to start challenging Christopher and Matthew to keep our dignity.