Thursday, January 29, 2009

Coming Attractions

This weekend will be hectic, to say the least.

Friday:  Dad visits 2nd grade for his 2nd Junior Achievement lesson; he also brings Wily to 2nd grade in the afternoon to conclude Christopher's VIP week.  Kevin has a 7th grade 'event' after school, that finishes right around 5, so, we'll be hustling to get him from there to viola at 5 pm.  The Pancake Supper begins at 4:30, so, I think we've decided we'll have to that in shifts; go with Christopher and Matthew between 5 and 6.   Suzanne and I will probably split up at this point, Suzanne will probably head off to get Kevin and then go with Kevin to the pancake supper.  The boys, after supper, will be heading over to the school for movie night; it's in the gym, and is a sure recipe for a sore back and butt for whatever parent is involved (probably me) from sitting on the floor. 

This doesn't even begin to address the 8th birthday.  Cake, probably, for breakfast with a few presents, and the rest of the presents when everyone gets home. 

Saturday:  Suzanne gets up early with Kevin to get him to the bus for skiing; she's going into work for a little bit after that.  Will meet up with her at 10:15 for basketball.....big game against the other Bennett Woods team, the coach was his preparations at practice on Tuesday.  We'll probably go to Impression 5 with the boys in the afternoon as part of the birthday celebrations (since the big guy isn't having a party...) and we'll go out for the birthday restaurant dinner that evening.

Sunday:  Kevin's decided to do the Super Bowl 5K at 10 am; happily for Kevin Sunday looks to be the warmest day of the week, with temps maybe climbing into the 30's.  Even better, Kevin has agreed to don a Terrible Towel for the event!  Will be curious to see if there's any movement in his time after all the running and training he's been doing. 

Soccer game at 12:30; most likely another loss for the boys....we've already lost pretty convincingly to this team once.  I've realized I feel disappointed about our team's performance lately and I have to take a deep breath back and remember that we're mostly 1st graders playing against 2nd graders...this is how it's supposed to be.

Of course, the Super Bowl will dominate the days events.  I'm not sure I can get too much pre-game, but, we'll see.  I certainly haven't overdosed on sports talk radio this's been a close thing though.