Monday, February 8, 2010

Eight is enough….

5 humans, 1 dog, 3 cats, 1 fish….that’s enough right?




Introducing Holly, our newest springer spaniel…..we’ve been toying with this for a week or two after deciding that Christopher (and parents) weren’t ready for a lizard or gecko.


Happy enough with Wiley that we realized we wanted another springer….wanted a female to avoid any Wiley-conflict issues and wanted black and white to be a little different from Wiley.  Thanks to Oprah (who adopted two springers a few weeks ago and put them on her show) the dogs are hugely popular right now…we got lucky to find what we wanted pretty quickly.


Her Dad actually looks like Wiley, so, she’s technically tri-colored instead of black and white.  Her brown spots are limited to above her eyes and around her nose.


The boys, as you can imagine, are just thrilled with this move.  Video of Christopher walking in the door for the first time is here


So, how are the other pets doing with this?  Wiley, who was the biggest concern, has been largely ambivalent about the whole deal (his first encounter with Holly was marked with a sniff of Holly (who was next to Mom) followed by a move over towards Dad for a reassuring pet or two.  Rinse, rather, repeat for a few minutes.  Hasn’t been aggressive at all (aside from some barking tonight) and hopefully that will stay the same.  Cats have checked the newcomer out, stuck their noses up, and moved on.  Daphne, above, was thrilled with the return of the small crate.

Potty-training progresses; she seems to have some general idea of the deal and hopefully we can get through it as quickly as Wiley did.