Friday, February 26, 2010

From the Archives

I was cleaning out the sunroom a few weeks back and ran into some old artwork we’ve been saving.  Before I moved it upstairs to the container we purchased for the artwork, I took the opportunity to snap some photos.

So, without further ado, some art, with commentary, as always, from the artiste:


“I regret my decision”….Kevin doesn’t remember this, but I do…when asked why he chose this profession Kevin replied “because I want to make people happy, and people are always happy after they get their food!”


“I remember making this…not sure what the project was but we were all on a beach”.  Matthew just walked over when were doing this and noticed he’s not in this picture…and isn’t very happy about it!  This picture appears on some coffee mugs and magnets…


“Must have been in 2002 during the Olympics”


“That might be a couch…was this the family room?”.  He’s right, had a green couch, a reddish rug, and a TV….


from fifth grade “Oh yeah, we had to trace leaves and color them in….I wasn’t very good at it”


from second grade “I think it’s a butterfly….”


he’s not sure what this is  “those are some houses…that’s a French girl”


any idea what’s going on here….”I know it’s not one of my best pictures”


“I remember that”…this turned into some magnets and other art in our house


We can’t figure out what grade this came from “It’s a good picture though”


from fourth grade “I really like this picture.  It belongs in a museum.”


from kindergarten


also from Kindergarten…do you remember what was under the bed “I think a candy monster…do you remember?”

2010-02-11 001

“A candy monster???  looks like he has some lollipops.”


from fourth grade “Oh yeah, we had to do a reflection thing.  I remember not liking it when I first made it but it looks ok now.  I had to fold the paper in half and didn’t do it that well.”


“Bluejays and robins…the ones that don’t migrate”.  Think this is kindergarten.


from fourth grade.  “Very elementary”