Saturday, February 6, 2010

The power of a good breakfast

Saturday starts early….Kevin out the door at 7:30 am for skiing. 

Boys up later….make the executive decision to do breakfast at Cracker Barrel.  Boys just demolish their meal….and I guess it showed up at basketball an hour or two later.

Christopher has gotten off to a slow start; not so much movement, not moving towards the ball, etc.  Spent some time with him before practice on Tuesday working on the fundamentals, and he was awesome in practice afterwards…stealing the ball, making his shots…just all over the place.  Reinforced this on the way home; when you are moving around and participating, you are hard to stop!

You can find about 3 minutes of Christopher awesome-ness here.  It’s his first 4 minutes on the court for the game.  Great defense, three rebounds, a steal, a basket, multiple events….it all came together, fueled by pancakes and bacon!

We’ll be going to the Barrel before the next games in two weeks!