Monday, November 8, 2010

P/T Conferences – Fall 2010

Kevin:  Not much to report here; we didn’t go.  Just too much going on to make the first two days we could go and the last day is tonight; Suzanne is getting Cpher to his tutor and I’m in ATL waiting to go Puerto Rico.

That’s ok…there isn’t much to discuss when his lowest grade in any of his classes right now is a 96. 

The only thing that might have made me go is a burning desire to talk to the orchestra teacher about Kevin’s chair placement; he was assigned the 4th chair viola as the school year started and it hasn’t changed.  Which seems very bizarre.  It hasn’t been a bad thing because it’s motivated Kevin in his All-State preparations (he was ranked higher than the kids in front of him right now last year during the auditions); the thought being that if he’s ranked higher again he can go and say “Well?”…..

Christopher:  Doing well, working hard, friend to all.  No trace, nada, zip, zilch, of the attitude he displays at home from time to time.  4th grade is the first year where grades are going to be assigned; he’s carrying an A, three B’s and a C (in writing) right now.  The B’s annoy me as they are taking off points for spelling in science and social studies, and, well, Christopher’s going to lose those points all of the time. 

One thing to work on?  They’d like him to ask for help more often…..think this might be a result of last year where we were told he asked for help too much.  Oh well….

Matthew:  Focus is the big theme here……or, the lack of it.  He’s doing well; he’s doing better than well (he’s racing through the multiplication tables…..Matthew is at the point that Cpher was at last April, and Cpher was a little ahead of where he should have been getting through it….) but he doesn’t seem to want to read or listen to directions, he just wants to go (oh man does that sound familiar!).  Still gets in trouble with “the law” more than either of his brothers did but this year seems to be taking “the man” much more seriously…getting in trouble has been followed by repeated apologies and more than a few tears on occasion.  Talked it over with Matthew and he swears this doesn’t happen….don’t know what to think of it.  I realize I’m the typical parent…he’s my third kid, I could care less if he loses lunch recess for talking.  

Hey, what about pictures?:  Fall pictures were a bit of a disaster; both Cpher and Matthew’s were dreck and Kevin completely whiffed on having them done (even though he had the form).  We decided to go to a studio for a group shot and did that last week…should have the results soon I guess…

So, no pictures here.