Thursday, November 25, 2010


As we sat down at the table I was thinking about what I was going to say.  Turns out I didn’t have too…both Matthew and Christopher had some words prepared…

Matthew:  ‘Dear God, thank you for my family and this meal that this turkey died for.  A.M (hastily corrected to Amen.)”

Christopher:  “Rub-a-dub-dub, let’s get to the grub!”

BUT….I was thinking that I had things that I wanted to say, but didn’t.  So, we’ll say some of it here.

  • I’m thankful for my wonderful wife.  I could (and probably should) spend paragraphs on this, but, won’t.  I’m thankful that I am lucky enough to have someone to share our family’s experiences with, and there have been enough great events in the last twelve months to last a lifetime.
  • I’m thankful for Matthew.  I’m thankful that he has spent the last week with a football in his hand and has asked (repeatedly) to go and play catch so that he’s ready for tackle football (which is 10 months away!). 
  • I’m thankful for Christopher.  I really enjoyed my weekend away with him last week and couldn’t help but smile when he suggested earlier this week that next year we should make a trip to see Penn State play.
  • I’m thankful for Kevin; I’m thankful he hasn’t killed me driving yet and that he continues to laugh and laugh as the separation between the top of his head and the top of my head continues.  I’m thankful that it’s hard for me to think of someone else in his grade who is more successful in the three A’s: academics, arts, and athletics.