Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Iphone Photo Dump

I haven’t done one of these posts in a while; probably because I haven’t taken random photos with the Iphone in a while.  Made an effort to take a few more photos recently, so, here we go.


It’s been a long hot summer, and this dog has never been built for high temperatures (he’s like Suzanne that way).  This morning, a while back, he did decide to lie on the sun while I worked though…..


The first of the pictures in this group that I grabbed from Suzanne…..Matthew waiting for the start of the midnight 3-D showing of Harry Potter.   The midnight showing was fun in that we were with a crowd who was really really into it and the boys had fun cheering with them.  Not fun was being in the front row because all of the other people showed up 6 hours before the show.  Might now be in a hurry to do 3-D in IMAX anymore either; the effects are fine, but the clarity of other parts of the screen suffers.

A lot of movies this summer, I guess that Harry Potter was the best.  For the boys, Captain America was a close second…..thought it was really well done, and certainly better than Thor, which we saw earlier this summer (it was ok, but, not great….).  Went to the latest Pirates movie after a lot of prodding from Florida…..it was Ok, not great, and the boys certainly liked seeing them search for the Fountain of Youth after swimming there when they went to Florida.


A moment of cuteness….I’m sure they were fighting and wrestling shortly after this picture was taken.


This kid cracks me up!  The trip (to Kohl’s) was to get some new shoes….and that resulted in this facebook posting by Suzanne

New Picture (12)

The hat did come home with him…..


Went to Max and Erma’s for dinner, my little kid had to pose on the lion….


A lot of time this summer to fill; Cpher grabbed this box, two bottles, and made a robot head out of it (the bottles have fallen off).  I think the box started out as a spaceship first…


The second of the Suzanne photos; on the dock at Saugatuck.



Sunday we went to a Lugnut game as part of Suzanne’s work picnic.  The boys had a lot of success in bingo ($20 in Lugnut loot used to purchase balls and a mini bat at the end), grabbed a few balls during batting practice, and Matthew and Kevin went down to the field to play catch in the outfield (Cpher joined them later for a bit).  Nice day, but, still, very hot.



Finally went forward with having the roof redone, you can see the old color on the roof above the porch (back) and the new color on the roof.  We wanted medium gray but didn’t really get there…..

The next phase of construction begins tomorrow; we’re extending the porch across the front of the house.


A couple things to notice here.  1)  The contractor ‘hired’ Cpher to help pick up the shingles and paper from the tear off of the roof; Cpher did a great job on a very hot day….the gray shirt he is wearing was soaked both front and back from his hard work and the heat.  He definitely earned his pay.  2)  This view is from my office, yes, that’s Yoda and the USS Saratoga on the window sill.