Saturday, April 4, 2009

Iphone photo dump

Have the loaner-computer-until-I-get-the-new-one…but, downloaded Live Writer so figured I’d try and do an Iphone photo post


The school district hosts a Fine Arts Festival every year; this is Christopher’s contribution. 


Here’s Matthew’s…it’s part of a larger piece of art, which is shown



did this screen grab a while back….the 42 point game is an example of a game where Kevin is most likely to kick my butt (but, I think I’ve won 4 straight from him recently!)


and this 10 point game is where I’m going to most likely get him.  A note about verbal skills, we found a little more about how things will go in high school in English…his ACT score has already(!) qualified him to skip Lit Comp 10…when he gets there in 3 years!


On our way to Florida, we stopped in Indianapolis and visited the Children’s museum.  I guess it’s the nation’s 2nd largest children’s museum, but I have to say I left disappointed, there was a lot of stuff, but, not a lot of depth to any of it.  The big draw was the “Star Wars: Clone Wars” exhibit….the boys are posed in front of Obi-Wan’s star fighter.


And Christopher is posed in front of Anakin…..the exhibit turned out to be art from the show displayed along the hallway in the lower level….though the much-advertised Lego castle exhibit wasn’t much better than what you could see at the lego store in Orlando.




The glass sculpture was neat though.  It’s four stories tall, and the pictures are from the bottom looking up, and then vice-versa



On the basement level, you can look up at the sculpture…that’s the top photo here.  Under the ceiling, there’s a display area and some stands that you can hang glass shapes on and make your own sculpture…Kevin was having fun with that!


Christopher in the Egyptian exhibit. 


The water clock was very cool, and I could have spent another 30 minutes figuring out how it worked.  Sadly, I have some impatient boys, and after watching it begin to switch from full at 12:50 to almost empty at 1 pm, they were ready to go.


I’ve driven through Nashville many times; this was the worst.  Ended up going through during the evening rush hour with heavy thunder storms and tornado warnings.  Traffic was backed up everywhere…took 2 1/2 hours to go what usually takes 1/2 hour. 

So we didn’t get to the hotel until late (we had already planned to stop in northern Alabama); and of course, the boys wanted to swim, so, it was a long day.



Christopher’s checked out for the night.


So has Kevin


But this one…he’s stubborn…and is faking it!