Sunday, April 26, 2009

Draft Day Update

Really, the NFL Draft should be a national holiday…….figured I’d blog while waiting for the Steelers to pick

Wednesday:  Kevin had his first track meet….it was sunny and warm and then wickedly cold and wet, and, in the middle of that, Kevin ran the 800m and finished 12th.  Video of the event will be posted once I get my new computer (Tuesday) and get everything straightened away on the software front.

More than a few kids sprinted by Kevin at the end; it took this race for Kevin to figure out what his parents have been telling him…his strength seems to be a solid pace over long distances; stick with that.  So, he'll be running the 1600m and 3200m at the next meet. 

Thursday:  Birthday has come and gone…..need to call Pittsburgh and make sure everyone is still breathing.  Suzanne and Kevin got up early and placed streamers / balloon’d my car; lots of giggles and smiles as I walked out to the car (and I had no idea they had done that!).  Video of this will be available later as well.  Boys enjoyed watchign helium balloons sail off into the clear blue morning skies as I opened the door to the car.  Went out to Stillwater for dinner and came home to 40 candles on the cake….lucky the house didn’t burn down.

Friday:  The boys have been running mileage club at school; Suzanne and I stopped by on Wednesday to watch for a few minutes from across the street.  Christopher is running along with his big long gait, and it’s a social event for him, he’s talking, he’s stopping and walking and talking, and if his friends want to stop and go to the playground, he’s out of there.   Matthew, well, he’s focused on running.  Ask him if he runs with his friends, and the answers is no, they can’t keep up.  Nice stride as he rounds the building. 

Received Christopher’s first set of standardized tests; nothing there that we weren’t expecting to see, although the results were a bit contradictory at times….

Saturday:  Soccer was a 5-1 loss in the morning; the one was a Christopher goal late in the game.  More and more I learn that I’m ok at coaching little kids, and I guess ok at coaching good kids, but there’s kids on my team who just don’t care or aren’t that good and it’s frustrating, and I don’t know if I want to keep doing that.  Again, it’s 1-0 at halftime, and we’re playing well and have missed on a few chances, and then half the team stops playing aggressively and the roof caves in.  Oh well. 

The weather didn’t cooperate with treehouse advancement (and Sunday isn’t looking all that great either).  Watched the Pens and had to give up in disgust at 3-0 Flyers to get ready to go out to Melting Pot with Suzanne, Christine, and friends.  I’m pleasantly surprised to watch the score become 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 and, as we are driving down to Novi, 4-3 Pens.  Get there in time to see the last 2 minutes on the big screen at the restaurant bar….can’t believe they came back like that. 

Dinner at Melting Pot was good…tried some different things and am not at all sure what I would order if we were going again tonight.  Am always surprised there by how much I enjoy the mushrooms! Went out to see “State of Play” afterwards, good movie, enjoyed it a lot, even though my actor / actress identification skills aren’t as good as others.