Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gulf Islands National Seashore

Wednesday was Day 2 at the GINS.  We went on Tuesday, it was 53, windy, and well, we weren’t there all that long.  Today it was 65, windy, and we were there a lot longer

The GINS is a little further east from the area at Navarre Beach that we usually go to.  Most of it apparently just reopened after the Hurricane Ivan and Katrina.  And there really was noooooone there.

Water was cold, but, not too cold.  Shells were plentiful, but, not as plentiful as maybe we thought they would be.  The beach was beautiful, and I think we’ll drive the extra 10 minutes to get down into the GINS in the future.

Anyway, on to the pictures:

2009-04-08 Gulf Islands National Seashore

Looking South from the chair

2009-04-08 Christopher Kevin

in the waves Part 1

2009-04-08 Christopher Matthew

in the waves Part 2

2009-04-08 Matthew pre-wave

Matthew pre-wave; someone(?) mid-wave

2009-04-08 Christopher post-wave 

maybe it was Christopher mid-wave; here’s post-wave

 2009-04-08 Christopher coming out

On to the beach for some sand-fun

2009-04-08 Christopher eats sand 

eating sand wasn’t part of the plan

   2009-04-08 Christopher pour

the water wasn’t warm; I was impressed that they were in it that quickly…and, in this case, dumping it over his head.

2009-04-08 Matthew Towel

it was windy….both Matthew and Kevin spent some time using towels as capes/kites

 2009-04-08 Kevin towel

15 mph from the south-southwest

2009-04-08 Christopher sit   2009-04-08 Christopher sit2 

Christopher wanted nothing to do with the towels, instead, was sand and buckets

  2009-04-08 Matthew run 2009-04-08 Matthew standing 2009-04-08 Matthew towel2 2009-04-08 Kevin-Matthew

most of these shots were Matthew and Kevin getting ready to run away from Christopher, who had sand and water in his bucket

2009-04-08 Crab

Christopher did find a small tiny crab at one point