Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The latest in school politics

Monday was the latest school board meeting; it’s the first one I didn’t attend in a month.  I was pretty sure that the only big decision that could happen was the decision on which schools would be closed, and I know from all of my other time that there was really only one way this could happen.  Anything else wouldn’t bring the needed savings.

And, the Penguins were on.  First things first!

So, I’m flipping back and forth, watching hockey, catching up on the school board meeting, and both are going about as I would have expected.  Penguins lose in overtime (one sudden shot and things AREN’T going as expected!) about 10:20 pm and I switch over to the school board meeting just in time for the real must-see-tv even of the night

They get to the point where they are going to make a motion to close two schools, and, instead, a board member makes the motion to leave three schools open.  It’s essentially the same thing, and there could be an argument for the sunny-side up reason for doing it this way, but, for me, it’s just a chicken shit way of voting (to others, the vote is described in other Batman-ish more positive ways). They vote, 6-0 with one voting to abstain, and move on to the next item.  This item, a relatively boring motion on who’s going to represent us to the local regional school district, is interrupted by the member who abstained, who says “that’s it?, that’s the vote?” and when told she could make another motion later just completely and totally loses it.  She resigns, on the spot, gets out 5 to 10 minutes of vitriol that I have recorded so that I can watch again just to make sure I understand everything that happened there.  Board goes for a 5-minute recess (it’s 11:30 pm now). 

They come back on (and I’ve heard that the recess was one argument in the crowd after another) and go on and finish the night, and not much more is said about the resignation.  Stunningly, the generic summary of the meeting prepared by the superintendent FAILS to mention the resignation.

So, the circus continues.  But it’s just fascinating to watch……