Saturday, May 30, 2009

Michigan Mile 2009

A somewhat sad day….this is the last time Kevin will be running as a ‘participant’.  We’ve been doing this for a long time.


Boys Pre-Race

Kevin:  We’ve always believed that the Michigan Mile is really the Michigan Nine Tenths of a mile and figured this year would be the surest test of that; if Kevin runs anywhere in the 5 minute range we know for sure it’s short.

He finished in 5:31.  Tape below shows him briefly at the start and as he finishes.


Kevin, pre-start, from the race photog



Christopher: Same old same old. Wakes up..."I don't want to go" "I'm not going to do it" "Why do we have to do the Michigan Mile?" But, he decides to come with us and finishes in 7:42, which is completely awesome and we think, but aren't completely sure, better than Kevin at that age. Video below....much more of Christopher at the start (I'm really zoomed to get that view, and of all the kids, he was the only one I could pick out from that distance before the race started....) and at the finish. The big guy decided to wear his gray light jacket as he ran, which makes him even easier to pick out.



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Matthew: The anti-Christopher....woke him up this morning and hopped out of bed "Let's go, it's the Michigan Mile. And I can go really fast today because I don't have to wait for my friends!". Ask Kevin to help Matthew navigate through the staging area so that Matthew can be near the front (he helped Christopher as well, but, it didn't matter to Christopher, and it made A REALLY BIG DEAL to Matthew). Mom and Dad both cautioned Matthew that he may not finish first again this year, and that was ok. And, he didn't finish first, he finished 2nd in 6:34, and was really really disappointed about it. Video below, not very much at the start because they blew the horn to start unexpectedly. At the end you'll see Matthew run by his kindergarten teacher who is bending over near the finish line shouting encouragement. Matthew obliges with a burst of speed.

Matthew, being right up front, made it into a lot of pre-start photos.

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