Saturday, March 6, 2010


The hard drive that we’ve (ok, I’ve….it’s clear who screwed this up, no shared blame here) been storing all of our video, photos, and music on died a week or two back.  This is not good.  Music was completely backed up and not an issue.  Photos, I’d guess, we’re about 95 to 100%….I think we have everything but it’s spread out among a few places.  Video is a complete disaster and is going to be a very expensive lesson. 

So why didn’t I have everything backed up?  It’s not like I don’t know better?  Don’t really have a good excuse…the best one is that the amount of storage needed (we had a 500G hard drive that crashed) means you need something that big to act as backup, and I was being cheap and not getting it.  Just bought that new hard drive less than 6 months ago…what’s to worry right?

So, what happens when your hard drive dies?  This hard drive has had a complete physical failure; the ‘heads’ of the drive aren’t even reading the media any more.  I’m not even sure at this point if the data can be recovered…to find out, they have to take the drive completely apart in a clean room and then take the actual media out and remount it and attempt to read it.  It’s a nominal charge to see if the data is there and can be recovered; it’s a big step up to get the data back.

Ugly.   Stupid Dad.   Ugly.