Saturday, March 6, 2010

The tall and short of it

Had a measurement day here at Club Graystone earlier this week.  The tale of the tape says:

68 inches – Kevin’s growing like a weed; Suzanne and I live in fear that he’s going to come back from Europe with those 2 inches he needs to reach his goal….height domination.  Sadly for Kevin, all signs point towards him not having that title for too long, because coming up behind him is….

59.5 inches – Can’t give Christopher that other 1/2 that he needs for an even five feet; he’s very clearly short of it on the official measurement.  Has recently weighed in over triple digits too….still a very big kid

53 inches – Matthew brings up the rear…he’s on the upper end of boys his age but not way out of line like his older brother.