Monday, March 15, 2010

Holly – Week 4

I was going to do these updates once a week, but, well, life happened and it didn’t work out that way.

She’s still a cute little puppy, but, she’s getting bigger every moment.  First trip to the vet she was 14 pounds (and couldn’t go 2 seconds without squatting to poop…those were bad times).  Medicine and food and one week later, she’s up to almost 18. 

Still follows Wiley around outside, which is awfully cute….haven’t instituted the collar for the fence with her yet, part of the reason there is no rush to do that is she’s pretty good about staying where Wiley is, or, is she wanders away, it’s not far and she comes back pretty quick.

I wish the cats would turn around and smack her…..they aren’t doing this, and she’s taken to chasing them more and more, and this isn’t the type of behavior that’s good for the cats.  The fence will end a lot of this, they can just run off and she’ll be stuck, but, for now, her farthest journeys from home have been chasing cats.

The fights with Wiley are commonplace; he’s pretty good about it and she’s a noisy little savage.  My concerns about my very submissive male dog have turned out to be very true; she gets everything she wants and he doesn’t put up much of a fight.  Gave them two rawhide bones yesterday…a small one for Holly and a big one for Wiley.  Within five minutes she had both.  In the end, I guess it worked out, because he demolished both of them within an hour, but, not sure what he was doing at first….just not interested in fighting/growling over it?  very strange.

For the most part, she’s sleeping through the night now.  Holly’s way more into her crate than Wiley every was….when she’s tired, she goes in there voluntarily to sleep, and Wiley’s never done that.