Monday, May 3, 2010

Iphone Photo Dump


This is Matthew.  This is the 2nd time that repeated exposure to something (the Gulf, Grandma’s pool, aliens) in Florida have left him with bumps everywhere.  This picture is early in the proceedings; a day or two later they were at least twice as many extending down his trunk.  Thankfully, everything fades away after about a week…..may need to pre-emptively strike with Benadryl next time.


On the trip north from Florida Christopher decided that he would rather spend most of the afternoon riding shotgun with me than hanging out in the back.  For the most part, he read books out loud to me;  I think the one in his hands in this picture he used to regale me with animal trivia.  I’m guessing, from the amount of green in the trees and the amount of blue in the sky, that we were somewhere in Kentucky.



The latest handy feature of the iphone isn’t a new one, but, me using something I’ve never known about before.  The Iphone has a pretty nifty map feature, and, like google, it will show you traffic.  I always wondered how accurate that traffic is, and we put it to the test on the trip to and from Florida.  On the way there, I was stopped on the freeway for no reason, checked the map, the highway was dutifully shaded red, starting right about where we stopped.  These two maps are from near Indianapolis, the one on the left shows smooth sailing as we’ve just turned onto I-69 from I-465.  The one on the right shows that we’re about to have to slow down, and sure enough, right after that curve the left land ended and we had to merge and slow down.  Christopher got a kick out of helping me with traffic navigation “just tell me if you see yellow or red, ok”?  “Ok!”


Some Matthew Art I saw hanging at the school while I was there for some random purpose last week; haven’t had a chance to ask him what this is….


Soccer and baseball practice today were wiped out by the first thunderstorms of the season…while we were waiting for one of the soccer mom’s to show up we were treated to some spectacular rainbows; the double rainbow to start things off and then the sunlight shining through to really illuminate parts of the lower rainbow towards the end.