Friday, December 31, 2010

Post-Christmas 2010

The wrapping paper is long gone….the cardboard recycling outside of our house was stacked almost as high as the trashcan! 

The hits this year are:

Table Tennis:  Suzanne had to talk me into this one….we’ve had other entertainment in the basement (foosball table, arcade games) that get used a little and then just sit there.  We’ll see how this works out in the end, but, it’s the big hit right now.  Kevin is currently “King of the Household”…I was able to beat him and hold the title for a day but I fear that it will be an uphill struggle to reclaim the belt.

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(update:  I did regain the title for a day….beat him 3 times during that day and sent him to bed all pissed off.  He did trounce me yesterday to regain the title though)

Madden 11:  A very last minute request by Matthew, but, it’s been all that Kevin and Matthew have played since then.  I’ve especially enjoyed watching Matthew, Kevin, and Ashton play on the same team (the Seahawks, of course…).  Matthew certainly holds his own….

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Franchise mode is really popular…here Kevin is guiding the Seahawks against Tampa Bay

Steeler Gear:  Christopher received the Polamalu jersey and some Steeler sweatpants….he immediately ran off, shed the clothes he was wearing, and returned in his new threads.  And did not take them off for three straight days….



he also got some mini-Fat Heads….

Compared to last Christmas, it has been really low key around here….of course, there are a lot of wistful sighs and longing looks back at what we were doing a year ago….