Saturday, December 4, 2010

Weekend Update

Basketball:  Christopher’s team won the first game of the season, 31-11 against Mason.  No points for the big guy….he had at least 6 attempts and keeps rushing his shot and misses.  I need to try and find time to go and practice those up close shots with him although I’m not too sure what I can do for him, he makes them consistently in practice.  He had a lot of rebounds, and played excellent defense, even when he was matched up on the other team’s guards late in the game.

As opposed to the tournament where we were competitive and lost, this time we blew them out (it was 16-2 at the half).  Really, it could have been 51-11…if Christopher had made any of his shots and the other kids not taken so many long range jumpers and just driven the ball inside.  But, a win is a win is a win and everyone certainly got a chance to play.  While the game was still ‘in doubt’ Christopher played most of it; he only came out for 90 seconds on the game clock in the first half.

The Mason team, on average, was about 1-2” shorter than each of our corresponding players (and their big guy wasn’t very good….).  Lots of blocks, lots of turnovers for them.  To be fair, it was their first game, and we had played in the tourney….

Refrigerator:  Suzanne’s been wanting to ‘upgrade’ our aged decrepit fridge for a while.  There’s been one big obstacle to this plan; when we redid the kitchen we put the cabinet above the fridge and left only 2-3 inches of clearance.  That was fine then, but, now, you can’t find a fridge that is shorter than the room we had.  So, this purchase was put off, and put off, and put off, and finally we realized we were going to have to take down that cabinet if we wanted to upgrade.

Now, of all the cabinets we installed, that cabinet, the one above the fridge, was the biggest pain-in-the-ass.  It’s heavy, way heavy, and it’s deep, so, securing it to the back wall is a huge challenge because you have to be standing high enough to reach inside it the 30” to get to the support screws AND it’s so stinking heavy that it’s very difficult to maintain the cabinet in place while you are doing this.  I remember finally having to utilize the fridge as a support and put phone books between the cabinet and the fridge to get that bastard in place.

I swore, after I got it up there, that it was never coming down.

Of course, last night, I took it down.


(insert music from ‘2001’ here)

It was not easy getting this bad boy into place, it takes up every bit of clearance between the walls and cabinets.  In fact, you’ll notice the drawers are gone on the bottom cabinet….the 1/2” thick cover panel that used to sit just to the right of those cabinets had to come out.  So, last minute, I had to remove all the screws that held the cover panel in place.

Putting the cabinet back above the fridge is a challenge that will wait a week or two….there are logistical challenges (I have to saw off two bolts I never thought I’d have to remove and I have to hang another support bar above the current support bar) that need to be solved before that project can occur.

Away:  Suzanne, Kevin, and Matthew are away in the Pacific Northwest this weekend.





It’s a sports weekend in Seattle; Saturday was University of Washington –vs- Texas Tech in basketball….the Huskies won easily.  Tomorrow is the trip to Qwest Field for the Seachicken, er, Seahawk game.