Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Project Work

Figured I’d scan in the two projects that I spent a lot of time this fall working with Christopher on for school before they hit the trashcan…..


The fourth graders tracked the high and low temperatures for two weeks and then came home and had to create a graph.  Both of these assignments came with detailed rubrics (a term I can’t ever recall hearing while I was in school) and that made it pretty easy to make sure we had all of the required elements to get a good grade.  Despite my best efforts, you can see the white out where Cpher got a little confused on the spacing for the text.

I wonder how many kids had the break in the lines for the weekend; it took me a while to explain that concept to Cpher…..

 2010-12-CpherBookReport01 2010-12-CpherBookReport02

This is the front and back from the first book report;  Cpher had to create a book jacket.  You can see his artwork; all of the text on the front and sides was required straight out of the rubric (why the copyright date?….me no comprende).  At the end of the night I showed him some books that had reviews and quotes on them and we decided to make up our own for the back cover.