Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Two more pictures

Coming Attractions:  Kevin has an orchestra concert Thursday and gets to play with the Philharmonic Orchestra because they are performing a piece the All-State Orchestra played…..we’ll be taping that but mostly to convert to audio, not sure if we’ll post video.  All those rain-outs have created a busy weekend for soccer; it’s the end of the CASL season and Christopher and Matthew have three games (Thu, Sat, Sun) and TNT had three games (Fri, Sat, Sun).  Matthew will be one tired boy come 3:30 pm on Sunday…….

Two Pictures:  Suzanne grabbed about five pictures at the game on Sunday…only two were worthy of being saved and posted here. 


A really nice close-up of Cpher.  He’s wearing, and has been wearing, a Kevin track sweatshirt that we rescued from the basement as too small for Kevin, but, just right for this guy.  Kevin ran the long distances….if Christopher ever ‘runs’ track I’m sure he’ll be tossing large objects.  And spring has definitely been sweatshirt weather around here……


Suzanne captured this photo right as Matthew hits the ball for the penalty kick.  I’m kind of surprised by this, I guess I would have thought his weight would be shifted more forward.  Suzanne and I have both, separately, noted that if you watch the video of the penalty kick the sound as he hits the ball is pretty noticeable as it echoes off the walls….