Monday, December 1, 2008

Flomax anyone?

For many men, Flomax, can make a difference in just one week.  That's what the commercial says at least. 

Matthew, who is slowly but surely learning to "hold it" a little bit longer each day, is utterly fascinated by this claim.  These commercials come on, and he's asking Mom and Dad if we can get these magic pills for him ("Come on Mom, they help you to hold it for 12 hours!").  Suzanne and I bust out laughing when he starts asking for the medicine for old men

Most road trips are dominated by the need to stop on Matthew's behalf.  Typically, at least once, there's an 'emergency' where he didn't give us notice and we're struggling to stop before an accident.  This latest trip, despite visiting the bathroom in Warren right before we left, we weren't even to Akron before having to pull off the road (literally, he told right as we were passing an exit, and the next one was a ways off) to find a tree with his name on it.